Tuesday, November 12, 2013

2 Step Authentication in Evernote

at 10:32 AM  |  No comments

One of the best product announcements that I have heard recently is Evernote giving 2 Step Account verification to all its users. Enable it here

Evernote brought in the concept of two factor authentication several months back alongside many big players including Dropbox. This is indeed a very useful and secure feature of cloud based applications. Until recently this was available only to premium users but our prayers got answered and Evernote opened it for everyone. However, two step authentication for free users is available only through Google Authenticator (Android | IOS). Evernote is a highly productive app that I have used in my daily routine. It helps to store financial statements, important documents, ToDos for work and personal agendas, travel notes, research notes and the list is never ending. One of the the best tools that I use in combination with Evernote is Skitch which is an extremely useful snapshot tool. You can take snapshot of any activity on your screen, annotate it with your comments and send it across. This becomes very useful in development scenarios, where you can take snapshots of the issues and share it across with team.

Try it today and it can become one of the best applications you have ever come across.

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About the Author

I am a technology enthusiast, passionate about photography and music and loves to learn and share my stints through blogs, twitter, videos and other social media. You can follow me at @TarunnRPasrija



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